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Server IP : / Your IP : Web Server : LiteSpeed System : Linux 3.10.0-962.3.2.lve1.5.85.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Apr 18 15:18:36 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : ferhatgenc ( ) PHP Version : 7.2.34 Disable Function : restore_ini,mail,openbasedir,f_open,system,dl,array_compare,array_user_key_compare,passthru,cat,exec,popen,proc_close,proc_get_status,proc_nice,proc_open,escapeshellcmd,escapeshellarg,show_source,posix_mkfifo,ini_restore,mysql_list_dbs,getmyuid,pconnect,link,symlink,fin,passthruexec,fileread,shell_exec,pcntl_exec,ini_alter,leak,apache_child_terminate,chown,posix_kill,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,proc_terminate,syslog,allow_url_fopen,fpassthru,execute,shell,chgrp,passthru,socket_select,socket_create,socket_create_listen,socket_create_pair,socket_listen,socket_accept,socket_bind,foreach,socket_strerror,pcntl_fork,pcntl_signal,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_wtermsig,openlog,apache_get_version,apache_getenv,apache_note,apache_setenv,virtualal MySQL : OFF | cURL : ON | WGET : ON | Perl : ON | Python : ON | Sudo : OFF | Pkexec : OFF Directory : /var/softaculous/blab/ |
Upload File : |
<?php /* PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW EVEN ONE BLANK SPACE/LINE IN THIS FILE OUTSIDE '<?php' AND '?>' */ /* ------ DATABASE SETTINGS ------ */ $dbss=array(); $dbss['host']='[[softdbhost]]'; // Database host (in most cases 'localhost', on Windows systems - use '' instead of 'localhost' to avoid a php/ipv6 bug) $dbss['user']='[[softdbuser]]'; // Database user $dbss['pass']='[[softdbpass]]'; // Database password $dbss['name']='[[softdb]]'; // Database name. Note that the installation script cannot create a database for you! $dbss['sock']=''; // Database socket $dbss['prfx']='[[dbprefix]]'; // Table prefix for chat tables: blab, blabws, blabax, blabwspro // --- $dbss['sprf']='[[dbprefix]]'; /* Table prefix for shared chat tables (this should be the table prefix of the 'master' channel). Affects paintings, avatars, files, mottos, offline messages. READ CAREFULLY! - REGISTRATION, LOGIN AND GUEST ACCESS TO THIS CHANNEL WILL BE DISABLED! - LOGINS ARE ACCEPTED FROM THE PRIMARY CHANNEL ONLY! ONLY SUPERADMIN CAN LOGIN TO THIS CHANNEL DIRECTLY! - REQUIRES YOU TO SET A SINGLE '$xpath_at_dir' and '$xpath_av_dir' FOR ALL CHANNELS !!! outside the channel folders !!!! */ // --- $dbss['cset']='utf8mb4'; // utf8mb4 or utf8 $error_log='errors.txt'; // CHMODed to 666 file to store sql errors if any ( it is recommended to rename this file ) $msgs2keep=100; // 10-500 messages to keep in chat rooms $disablema=0; // 0 or 1; 1 = loading avatars in messages disabled $norealips=0; // 0 or 1; if 1 the ip addresses of the users in the database are hashed with sha1 $supersalt=1; // 0 or 1; add additional individual salt when creating cookie hash; will throw out the user from all other devices when changing the password $ping_period=5; // AJAX ping period in sec (BlaB!AX and BlaB!AX Pro only! 5-20 seconds) $ping_multpl=65; // User is considered offline after XX seconds without pings (60-120) $cookieparam='SameSite=Lax;';// additional cookie parameters: SameSite=Lax; HttpOnly; Secure; on change you may have to change cookie names below $mline_2dsbl=0; // 0 or 1; 1 disables multiline messages. If disabled a new line is only accepted with [br] /* BLABWS-SERVER / BLABWS-SERVER-PRO START/STOP/CHECK WITH SHELL_EXEC */ $blabws_server_host=''; // hostname or IP (in order to check server status with telnet; would work with remote hosts without WebSocket proxy) $blabws_server_path=''; // path to server executable $blabws_server_port='9001'; // server port $blabws_server_akey=''; // ACCESSKEY: 4 chars at least; ASCII only $blabws_server_logf='/dev/null'; // Log file: /tmp/chatlog.log or /var/tmp/chatlog.log which will survive reboot; /dev/null = no log $blabws_server_onli='0'; // Write online users list in a file: /tmp/ 0=off $blabws_server_tzon='Europe/London'; // Log File Timezone: a CANONICAL Continent/City entry from the TZ database; if wrong falls back to UTC $blabws_server_debg=0; // 0 or 1; Common errors in log + IP addresses $blabws_server_floo=50; // Flood control - messages per minute threshold; [1-100] 0 = disabled $blabws_server_ehst='0'; // 0 or 1; Hosted server (1) or self-hosted server (0); shows/hides elements in ACP /* USER IDs IN STEALTH MODE; array(1,23,456) */ $stealth_users=array(); /* COOKIE ARRAYS: COOKIE NAME & COOKIE VALIDITY PERIOD IN SECONDS; 31536000 = one year / LOCAL STORAGE */ $xcookie_uidhash = array('[[dbprefix]]_uidhash',31536000); // cookie to recognize logged in users $xcookie_langsel = array('[[dbprefix]]_langsel',31536000); // cookie to store language selection $xcookie_dn_mode = array('[[dbprefix]]_dn_mode',31536000); // cookie to store language selection $storage_options = '[[dbprefix]]_options'; // where to store options $storage_xsounds = '[[dbprefix]]_xsounds'; // where to store sound options $storage_ignored = '[[dbprefix]]_ignored'; // where to store ignored users $storage_predefm = '[[dbprefix]]_predefm'; // where to store predefined messages /* PATHS/FILES - in case you are running multiple instances these files/paths can be shared (Pro only!): global JS file, global CSS file, emoticon codes, emoticons CSS file, avatars directory, stickers directory */ $xfile_cssstyle = 'blabaxpro.css'; // global CSS file; default: blabaxpro.css $xfile_emostyle = 'emoticons.css'; // emoticons CSS file; default: emoticons.css $xfile_blistyle = 'blingmach.css'; // BLING CSS file; default: bling.css $xfile_emocodes = 'emocodes.php'; // emoticon codes; default: emocodes.php $xfile_jsscript = 'blabaxpro.js'; // global JS file; default: blabaxpro.js $xfile_jssounds = 'soundspro.js'; // sounds JS file; default: soundspro.js $xpath_st_dir = 'stickers'; // stickers directory, no trailing slashes; default: stickers $xpath_av_dir = 'avatars'; // avatars directory, no trailing slashes; default: avatars $xpath_at_dir = 'attachments'; // attachments directory, no trailing slashes; default: attachments $xpath_bl_dir = 'bling'; // BLING files folder; images & mp3 /* User IP variable - $ipaddr This is not a thing to play with unless you understand what you are doing - HTTP headers can be spoofed! The whole system considers the IP address of the user to be $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] In case you have a reverse proxy, cloudflare etc you can overwrite this and set a global IP variable here. */ // if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])){$ipaddr=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'];} // reverse proxy // if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])){$ipaddr=$_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'];} // cloudflare // optionally adds an emoji in front of the sticker tabs; 1st not used, then applied alphabetically; uncomment to enable // $stickerset_emo=array('','💦','ğŸº','ğŸ¸','ğŸ‰','ğŸ‡','ğŸ“','ğŸ’','ğŸ¥','🥥','🥦','🥑','ğŸ¥','🌽','🧄','🧅','🌹','🌴','ğŸ€','ğŸ„','ğŸ’','🌵','🌲','🌻','🌼','🌺','ğŸ','ğŸ¹','ğŸ°','🦊','ğŸ»','ğŸ¼','ğŸ¨','ğŸ¦','ğŸ·','ğŸ¥','ğŸº','ğŸ¸'); $ousr_by_group=0; // Pro only! Order online users by groupID: 1:(1 -> 99); 2:(99 -> 1); - requires understanding and proper group IDs set in advance /* ffmpeg; ffmpeg installed/operational is required! */ $ffmpeg_cnvrt=0; // convert voice/video messages to default mp4; NOT RECOMMENDED! $ffmpeg_thumb=0; // framerate: 1-5; 0 = off; create thumbnails for audio/video & voice/video messages with ffmpeg /* CURL USER AGENT You can use curl/x.xx.x (curl/7.84.0) or replace the latest Firefox/Chrome User Agent string e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 12.4; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0 */ $curl_user_agent='curl/7.84.0'; /* Additional integration variables - WCF54+, WordPress, Flarum & Vanilla */ $WP_LOGGED_IN_KEY = 'xxx'; // from wp-config.php $WP_LOGGED_IN_SALT = 'xxx'; // from wp-config.php $vanilla_CookieHashMethod = 'md5'; // from vanilla/conf/config-defaults.php; md5 or sha1 $vanilla_CookieSalt = 'xxx'; // from vanilla/conf/config.php $smf_auth_secret = 'xxx'; // FROM SMF/Settings.php $fla_session_dir='.'; // Flarum session dir: absolute or relative path $fla_avatars_dir='.'; // Flarum avatars dir: relative path! $fla_custom_group_id=-1; // One custom group ID to import in chat (from table flarum groups) - members and admins are always imported $fla_custom_group_name='NOT-SET'; // Custom group name $BlabWCF_BridgeSecret='xxx'; // the same secret string > 10 symbols must be set in blab-wcf-bridge.php; see the docs /* ENTER/LEAVE messages uncomment to enable; AX/AX Pro only */ // $sys_xuser='SYSTEM'; // $msg_enter='entered...'; // {user} entered... // $msg_leave='left...'; // {user1 [,user2]} left... /* Custom PHP function "customphp()" to overwrite language entries and/or settings */ // function customphp(){ // global $settings, $lang; // $lang['geoplace'] = 'Geolocations'; // if(1<2){ $settings['html_title'] = 'Another Title'; } // } ?>